In March 2018, Octave Digital began working with Wicklow County Council on the development of the Council’s Social Media Strategy and Content Plan.
At the time, the Council lacked a social media structure and plan and wanted to:
- Gain a review of their current social media use
- Gain practical Social Media training for staff
- Develop and agree a Strategy and management framework for social media

Project Delivery
The project started with reviewing the Social Media structure and content produced across the Council. The review identified the main areas for improvement across a number of areas including:
- Content: The quality of social media content and news, presentation and use of images
- Management: examining the management and workflow for social media and identifying gaps
- Use of Networks: Reviewing the volume of social media accounts across the Council, non-use of important networks
- Metrics: analysis of the performance of social media content across key metrics including reach and engagement.
- Next Steps and Recommendations

Senior Management Seminar
Building the awareness of senior management of the strategic importance of Social Media is an important part of the improvement process.
The seminar for Senior Management provided a high-level overview of how Local Authorities can utilise digital and social media communications effectively. The seminar also highlighted the key recommendations from the review for discussion.

Social Media Strategy and Plan
A realistic and effective plan for communications and social media is an essential bedrock for the effective and professional operation of social media within an organisation.
Octave Digital developed the Social Media Strategy and Content Plan which provided an agreed framework for managing social media effectively. The Strategy set out what the Council needs to achieve from social media, the types of news and content to be posted and a management structure for social media.
Octave Digital liaised and consulted closely with the Communications Working Group and with senior managed to develop the plan.

Staff across the Council required the skills to improve their knowledge and capability on social media. As part of the project Octave Digital carried out a Training Needs Exercise to identify the main skills requirements and competencies required. We developed and delivered a blend of training based on:
- Practical social media training for staff (Practical training in using Facebook and Twitter, Developing content and social media risk)
- Social Media Co-Ordinators Training (including: Overview of governance and key social media risks for Local Authorities, social media content, managing Social Media, IT Security)